Lets get in Pranayama
...Let me explain why is this Pranayama
....will it be useful....yes ...it cures all diseases
...controls human mind
and breath
completely can create wonders......how many days can we hold breath
? and what is the limit? no limit...you can hold the breath
for even years if you want by Pranayama
.........but it need hard Practice......Rushis

,Munis in India
live like that.........there are lot of proofs from different people in India
they met 1000 years old
people also.....U may ask that how can you prove that?........I am not here to prove and there is not benefit from that exercise for me.......one more thing.....any of these yogis no need to prove any body...and no need to prove especially in front of those people who are going to die in next couple of decades...and they are not ready to teach any uninterested,half minded,uncommitted,unfaithful people.....do u teach these type of people if you have that secrets?....you will say no.......its waste of time to discuss few things....because we are not here to discuss..there are lot of discussion forums..unfaithfull wasting heros are there in this world...why should we steal their work..let them happily , comfortable waste their time and lets them criticize and give beautiful explanations....So lets move to Kumbhamela....which is a Special occasion in India..when Lot of Saints,Aghoris,Yogis,Naga Sadhus...come from the interiors of unknown places of himalaya for normal people.
In the foot hills of Himalaya...Pilot Baba..who served as Pilot in Indian Air fore and fought against Pakinstan in 1960s and retired at the age of 33 has performed 21 days Samadhi several times in Public.What is meanth by Samadhi....Samadhi means getting in to the internal world...and leaving behind this body....with no thoughts...concentrated on particular target or nothing...in Samadhi...there is no breathing required...no function in body works...no heart beat,no breathing,every thing remains calm...but he does not have consciousness on the body...its deathless state....he wont consume even a single breath.....Now tell me if he don't breath ...can these breaths be consumed later...yes ....how they are living many years. How they are very strong and young in the near of 100 years and how they can live 100s of years...those who have suspicion wont accept the truth....don't waste time ...come to India explore it and prove that there is no one who can do this and no one who is having more than 100 years...please prove it we are also waiting for that.
So do as Pranayamas as you can daily....and there is another method....chant a particular word..which have some spiritual meaning....keep chanting concentrate on meaning if possible...don't restrict it to time....just give some time.....see how your breathing become very slow and get surprised...one more method....close your ears...listen the sound of sea waves in ear.......keep listening..in Indian myth its a eternal Kundalini snakes sound....if any one couldn't listen that sound any time of your life understand that that person is going ot die...its get stopped when a person is going to die in very near future.
once your breathing get down..observe your health,activeness....you get the immediate difference. If you keep listening for some time daily easily can observe your breathing status...and can observe your health...If you practice listening daily...after some time you can hear different sounds...with different stages keep you motivating...and gives you extraordinary hearing power and some more...
Only once you enjoys this happiness when your breathings slow down an your calm strong mind...no need to tell you again...you will automatically search for that level always....once you get some strong grip on Anuloma Viloma Pranayama....you can simply go for next stage.Every thing possible in this world so thing positive and optimistic. All these methods are very easy and non monetary,,,any one can perform...one more thing this calm mind can win anything in this world...can through any disease....try it ...it cannot be done in a single day.
In India before British rule there were lot of saints who lived for 100s of years in public...but now those who has long age are in interior....as preciously explained .you can see Devgarh Babas living Video...who lived for 250 years..and can see in the history of Saint Saibaba who did samadhi for 3 days..its a process of leaving body and astral traveling to different worlds in spiritual...Trilinga swami in Varanasi who lived 300 years,Swami Samarth who lived in different places after his Meditation .... he was found in Ant hill in deep Meditation and lived for more than 400 years ..when he is disturbed he came out.I am not saying anything religious...making you to believe that it is possible if you do Pranayama.....whether we get stage of not lets get motivated at least to do few Pranayamas in home for healthy long life.
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