Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Comprehensive Solutions for Hair Fall: A Blend of Natural Remedies

Comprehensive Solutions for Hair Fall: A Blend of Natural Remedies


Hair fall is a common issue that affects people of all ages. While there are various treatments available, natural remedies have been gaining popularity for their effectiveness and minimal side effects. Below are some detailed solutions for combating hair fall, backed by traditional wisdom and scientific research.

Cantaloupe Melon and Egg Hair Mask


  • Cantaloupe Melon Seeds (Commonly known in Hindi as Kharbooja)
  • 1 Egg


  1. Crush the cantaloupe melon seeds into a fine powder.
  2. Mix the powder with one beaten egg.
  3. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp.
  4. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing.


This combination is believed to not only stop hair fall but also promote hair regrowth within a month.

Recommended Reading:

Amla and Lemon Juice for Stronger Roots


  • Amla Juice
  • Lemon Juice


  1. Mix equal parts of amla juice and lemon juice.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp.
  3. Leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing.


This blend strengthens the roots of your hair, thereby reducing hair fall.

Recommended Reading:

A Rejuvenating Herbal Powder


  • Amla Powder: 100 gm
  • Guntagalagara Leaves (Acanthospermum hispidum): 100 gm
  • Black Sesame Seeds: 100 gm
  • Candy Sugar Powder: 100 gm


  1. Dry and powder the amla and Guntagalagara leaves.
  2. Dry, fry, and powder the black sesame seeds.
  3. Mix all the powders along with candy sugar powder.


Take one spoon daily. Children can take it with milk and candy sugar powder.


  • Strengthens teeth
  • Rejuvenates all parts of the body
  • Increases 'dhaathu' (vital essence)
  • Turns hair black within 3 to 4 months
  • Strengthens bones

Recommended Reading:


Natural remedies offer a holistic approach to treating hair fall. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment.

For Eyes Problems:

1.  Washing Eyes with Triphala choorna water will make the eyes more powerful and it can even clear the sight problem.

2.Those who want the powerful eyes  : Mix Ashwagandha Churna of 1/2 spoon with Amla Juice        and consume the same at early morning will make the eyes so powerful even you ride the bike in 100 with out glasses no tears will come.This medicine is mentioned as such powerful to make eyes able to see stars in the day time.

3.Using few drops of Triphala churna water in the eyes also clear the eyes problem.( Triphala choorna water has to be filtered by cloth).

Friday, August 26, 2011

Rejuvenating simple Techniques- Natural Remedies for Common Health Issues: Ear, Skin, Throat, and Teeth Problems

Many common health issues can be treated using natural remedies that are easily available in your home. Here are some natural remedies for ear, skin, throat, and teeth problems:

Ear Problems: Ear infections and hearing problems can often be cured by a simple task - cleaning the ears with oiled fingers. Gently twisting the oiled index or ring finger in the ear can help widen the ear hole and improve hearing capabilities. Another method involves using a few drops of neem oil in each nostril daily. This stimulates the nerves related to the nose, ears, and eyes and can also help keep hair strong.

Skin Problems: Urine may seem disgusting, but it is an effective cure for many normal skin diseases. Applying urine to the affected area and allowing it to dry for a few minutes can help cure skin allergies. Tulsi juice can also be applied externally for skin diseases. Triphala water, cow urine, and dung are also effective natural remedies for skin problems.

Throat Problems: Seetali karana pranayama is a breathing technique that can help relieve throat problems and improve your voice. To perform this technique, roll your tongue and inhale through your mouth, then exhale through your nose. This technique can be repeated several times a day for best results.

Teeth Problems: Pressing the upper teeth to the lower teeth and vice versa while urinating can help provide immediate relief from teeth problems. Additionally, oil pulling with coconut oil can help improve oral health by reducing bacteria in the mouth.

In conclusion, natural remedies can be highly effective in treating common health issues. Using these natural remedies can help reduce the need for medication and provide a safe, effective, and affordable alternative to traditional treatments. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatment, especially if you have a chronic condition or are taking medication.